26/01/2025 - Added an old websites page (under "Websites you should look at instead of mine") to list old websites i find interesting. For now it only has a "found via Wiby" section, but i'm planning to add a "Pov-ray related" one in the future, since i started making a private list of them some time ago.
14/01/2025 - Added some more whimsical CSS stuff. Changed site's music from "Dont Preheat Your Oven Because If You Do The Song Wont Play" to "Pushin' Doises".
03/05/2024 - Changed title graphic (still not final); removed tamagotchi status, will replace with other silly pets overtime; addded a few more websites buttons and a NavLink Ads space.
11/10/2023 - Revamped home page.
04/09/2023 - Made a few layout changes, putted a few buttoms on the homepage (taken from Kel's website) and accidentally resetted the page view counter while changing its design (also say hi to Moss).
03/09/2023 - Started working on a better site design.